Our Story

Three seconds and one signature can make the difference in which direction life takes after tragedy strikes. No one knows what a day will hold.  Whether the news of a day is normal, extraordinary, or stressful; knowing that you have taken the personally responsibility of putting in place the “just in case documents” leaves those left behind on the trajectory of generational wealth or poverty. Everyone 18 years old and up, need to take a moment of time to prepare their final estate documents. Final estate planning is for EVERYONE 18 years and up, regardless of the size of the estate. The final estate documents needed are:

1.    Last Will and Testament

2.    Living Will (Advanced Directive for Nature Death)

3.    Health Care Power of Attorney and Health Directive Card

4.    Durable Power of Attorney (short form)

5.    Life Insurance and burial wish (cremation, memorial service, traditional burial…)

6.    POD on all financial accounts

Our goal is to actively work to ensure that by December 31, 2023, underserved communities have 10,000 people that can say through the I WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE Project that they have a Last Will and Testament. We want to take the dread and the “this is morbid” stigma away for preparing for the inevitable. We prepare to get our license, we prepare to vote, we prepare to get a job. Why not prepare your final estate documents!  As part of the I WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE project, we will provide free Last Wills and free notary service for the will to communities one individual at a time, groups, Will PARTIES / CELEBRATIONS, family reunions, conventions, or social events. Also, we will provide all six final estate planning documents in a package.  Our focus will be on FIRST having a Last Will, then life insurance followed by completing all the rest of the documents. 

Happy WILL, healthier generation.  Let’s GO make a difference!!

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